Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Mid-Week Update

I'm sticking to my promise... at least this week!

Just a little bit of what we have been up too since the last blog.  On Thursday and Friday Tracey (our neighbor) was home to study for a test so we (Glora and I) took the younger boys out and about!
On Thursday, Blake and I went with our neighbors and friends, Glora and Joseph, to Mermaid Tavern for lunch and then to Kmart to walk around.  Exciting I know but we have never really had the chance to actually look and take our time time and to be honest it was a waste.  Everything in the store is marked up by 1/3 of the stateside price.  So basically you get Target price for Kmart quality~ not good!

On Friday, we went down to Big Navy for Glora to finish up her Christmas shopping and so that I could look at the futons at the furniture mart on base.  It was a success and I came home with what I went there for!  I know a futon... but since I put the Christmas tree up I like how the furniture is arranged better now (it looks more homey) but that leaves a big empty space on one wall so I thought a futon would come in handy!  With people coming to visit this next year it will give me a place to sleep without using an air mattress and we can use it when we get back to the states in any room!

Saturday the Oliver's and Blake and I went to a Christmas thing in our neighborhood called Rota Walk.  Rota Dr. is a street where all of the commanders live and they are required to decorate their homes for the season and they all sit out by the road and hand out goodies like cookies, candy, food, gingerbread men, hot chocolate, snow cones and my favorite cotton candy :)  Some people had a choir, or the bell choir or a snow machine AKA small bubbles made to look like snow!  It was fun and Blake had a great time.  We were suppose to hang out at someones house and have drinks but I woke Blake up from his nap and we were out the door so he was ready to come home after the walk.  I would have had pictures but I was scared to take my camera with me due to the rain so I don't have any but it did pour right after we were done and had to run under someones canopy for cover.  Oh Guam how I love your sporadic rain showers and pours :) 
Monday and Tuesday, we hung out at home and played in the pool and trampoline, rode bikes, and went to the playground at the school.  We were suppose to go to Wendy's yesterday and to the Agat WWII memorial but Glora got sick so we are going to go there on Thursday!  For this I will have my camera and will do a post to share them :) 
Today, (Wednesday) we went to some friends of ours for Blake and their girls to exchange Christmas gifts and have a play date!  One of his gifts was a pack of gum and who would have guessed "this is the best present someone could get me" was what he said on the way home!  Should have done that dang-it!  He had a blast and thanks Lisa for having us over and treating us to lunch :)  Next week we are going to have them over to our house for a date and make play-doh, and swim! 

Well that's my wrap up for now!


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