My parent's visit was awesome at least it was GREAT to see and hang out with them and of course Blake was so excited to have them here :) I was told not to plan anything and that they didn't need to stay busy the whole time so that's what I did. Although it's kinda hard to plan anything when there's not too much to do as it is. The island is small with little options and lots of beaches so that's what we ended up doing a lot. The car stayed loaded with beach and snorkel gear at all times!
I don't remember what days we did what so you'll have to bear with me... we went to Jeff's Pirate Cove for lunch one day, to the NEX and St. Loui beach on Big Navy a few times, a beach down in Tumon bay, our beach on Andersen a few times, the tide pools on Andersen, we also went to Ross's and Wendy's (fancy I know), Hardrock for lunch, the Gelato place a couple of times, and one day we just drove around the island and stopped at any place that tickled our fancy :)
Here are some pics from the whole week (tear)...
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I haven't seen him smile like this in a while. He missed his Mimi and Grandad :)
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For some reason I can't get the pics to space right sorry!
These are just a fraction of the pictures taken while they were here and the others can be seen here.
Time to unload~ Although they were here for a week and a half it just wasn't long enough for Blake and I, we were both very sad to see them go. Monday came to soon and before I knew it it was time to go to bed and say our good byes (I have never understood why they are called "good" byes, they aren't "good" and I hate them). What made it worse is that although I hope they come again for another visit that may not happen so it'll be a little over 2 year before I see them again and I am thinking not only of myself but Blake just loves them so and it saddens me that he won't see them till we go back. It's times like these that really make me miss home (Florida) and ask myself why we had to come all the way over here (even though staying stateside wasn't an option)... it really makes me HATE Guam :/ If all three of us could come to the states for an extended period of time that would be awesome but I don't think it's possible :*(
I do want to say thank you guys for coming here and I really do hope you come back (but next time we can all be prepared and go on the hikes and things that we weren't able to do this time). Blake and I loved having you around, even if it was only for a week and a half :) We love you both!!
Till next time
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