Thursday, March 8, 2012

Health Revelation

I look on Pinterest at least once a day and have come across fruit and veggies smoothies a lot lately and decided to replace one if not two meals a day with them.  Well after I "pinned" a few I got an email from Aaron about the Paleo Diet, which gets you back to the paleolithic era when eating (I know sounds weird but read the link and it'll all make since).  Aaron thought I should try this out but it consist of no dairy, noodles, rice or bread.  You know all the good stuff that I love and thought/think I can't live without :)  Then I thought, "I can do this "diet" with my smoothies and be a okay", so that's what I'm gonna do!!

So tonight I went shopping and this is what I bought...

Along with some flax seeds!

So I made my first "meal"!!  A smoothie with...
a handful of spinach
a small handful of steamed broccoli
coconut milk
flax seed
a banana
frozen mixture of strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, & cherries
filtered water
and a small amount of pineapple juice (both of these for the blending process)

Sounds gross right well it was fantastic.  I was a little worried about the spinach but I couldn't taste it at all but it was good and Blake even liked it.  Of course he doesn't know all the ingredients except for those he likes :)

Till next time


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