Friday, November 8, 2013

Positive News

Hey peeps... well as teh title says we got some decent news this week that hopefully turns out to play in our favor.  The guy taking Aaron's place at the sqaudron here on Guam got his orders this past week... ya ya so what right.  Well that means we should be next, Aaron thinks within a month (fingers, toes, legs, arms and whatever else crossed).  Normally they send out the overseas bullets first so if he has his (overseas) then we should be getting ours since it's a rotation type thing!  I am oh so hoping that this is true b/c I would LOVE to be home for Christmas and have family around and to be able to have those 2 weeks to get a house (I have no doubt it'll only take one time going to Jax to find the perfect one but...)

As of now, I quit my job on December 20th (assuming we would get them in January there would be no point in going to work after Christmas break January 6th) but if we end up getting them sooner then I will quit ASAP.  That talk was a little difficult for me since I love my job and my boss and the fact that they asked me to stay and just let my husband go on to Jax without me (jokingly of course).  The shop will be in a rough spot a few weeks after I leave but I have been training a friend of mine to hopefully take my place eventually!

We are having a BBQ on the 30th of this month as a good bye thing and have all of our friends over and rent a bouncy house for Blake and all of his friends!  That's gonna be the hardest part of leaving... the saying good bye; my family knows I hate them and I'm no good at them.  You'd think I'd get used to them eventually being married to a military man and all but it doesn't... take my word on it!

Anywho, there isn't much going on in the Gaither household except for packing up some Rubbermaid totes so I don't have to wash clothes when everything arrives in Jax and well I don't trust the packers.. any of them.

I will of course keep everyone updated on here since I know family reads this and we will send emails when the time comes to pass along ticket info :) hopefully that will be sooner than later!


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